Leave of absence is granted on a written application from parents or guardians
but only for serious reasons.
If any student absents herself for more than a week without intimating the
school about the reason for absence, her name will be struck off the roll.
Readmission has to be sought if the child has to return to the class.
It is also compulsory to attend all school functions.
Appointments with doctors, dentists and other medical personnel must not be arranged
during school hours.
It is compulsory for a student who is absent for a day to bring a leave note addressed
to the Principal/Headmistress and signed by the student's parent/guardian. If the
absence is due to a long illness/contagious disease, a doctor's fitness certificate
is essential, in addition to the leave letter.
Children suffering from measles, Chicken pox and other infectious diseases should
not be sent to school until the quarantine period is over.
Measles - 11 days from the day of onset of cold
and fever;
Chicken Pox - 2 weeks after rash appears and
till the crust has completely fallen off.
This is a preventive measure to protect your child and the spread of the disease
in the school. Serious action will be taken if a child with fever, measles, chicken
pox or any other contagious disease is sent to school.