Our Vision
In this 21st Century, India is still burdened by exploitative structures - casteism, communalism, poverty and sub-standard living. This situation calls for focused attention and training of our students in intellectual skills with moral, social and spiritual values, directed to bring about a much-needed change in society.

We determine, therefore, to impart all-round education to the young, incorporating the whole aggregate of human life - physical, spiritual, intellectual and moral, individual, domestic and social. In pursuit of the ideal, we bear in mind the natural development of the faculties of a child. The all-round formation of students in CJM is aimed at preparing them to take their place eventually in society with confidence. Hence, the education imparted evokes in each student a longing to go beyond the 'SELF' in the search of her goal in life and of how it aligns itself with God's plan for her.

The kind of education is also directed towards serving the young and among them particularly the poor, conscientising them of their rights and guiding them to cope with any adverse situations they may encounter.

Our dream is that the girls educated in our institution will become :
  • faith-filled women of God,

  • faithful wives and mothers of happy families and

  • dedicated women influencing others for the good.

We expect our Collaborators, Students and Parents to look ahead with us and join us in realizing this challenging vision - "TO BRING ABOUT A REFORMED INDIA".