Headmistress' Message

As I pen down my thoughts on the importance of Education, I am reminded of a Tibetan Proverb by an unknown author - “A child without education is like a bird without wings.”

Yes, a child is the key to the nation's success and education is the key to a child's success. Since children are a country's greatest asset, how it educates its children significantly impacts its social and economic development.

Education is the foundation upon which the future edifice of every child is built. A child acquires values and virtues in school. The planned and age-appropriate pedagogical training in the classroom, the experiences at home, and the exposure to peers from different backgrounds all form part of the child's education. A child's early education helps enhance its visual, auditory, sensory and tactile abilities.

Students who receive an education acquire a wide range of skills and fundamental knowledge essential to their intellectual and psychological growth. It gives students the skills to think critically, comprehend the world around them, and make wise decisions. It fosters children's self-confidence, self-esteem, and identity by helping them discover their strengths and interests. It aids in social and emotional development, enhancing empathy and emotional intelligence.

Education enhances children's social skills, empathy, and emotional intelligence, fostering emotional well-being and navigating human relationships. It also expands future economic opportunities, preparing children for employment and securing higher-paying jobs, contributing to financial stability and socio economic mobility. It fosters responsible citizenship, health literacy, and well-being by promoting civic values, ethical behaviour and diversity while also providing access to health education for disease prevention, hygiene practices, and overall health awareness.

Education fosters personal growth and lifelong learning, fostering curiosity, critical thinking and intellectual development. It equips children with skills for adapting to a rapidly changing world, investing in their future and contributing positively to communities and society. Nelson Mandela once said, "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." Yes, Education ameliorates poverty, hunger and inequality in society.

I am extremely happy that our school is not only a place of learning the subjects… but we do give all round development and thus we draw out the best from each student. We instill essential values like respect, honesty, adaptability, responsibility and confidence in every child. Our Teachers become role models in developing a strong sense of right and wrong. As John Dewey said, Education is Not preparation for Life; Education is life itself.

I pray that the good Lord may continue to bless all our students with His Spirit, knowledge, wisdom and understanding. May the Lord help them to become life – giving persons, good and GOD – CENTERED human beings.

I would like to conclude with the words of our beloved Mother Foundress St. CLAUDINE THEVENET. “Let us so form these children that they may become serious – minded, well – balanced, home – loving women and be regarded as a BLESSING in every household they enter.”

May God continue to bless us all!

Sr. Chinna Rani R.J.M
