Times Of India
23rd Apr, 2016
Annual General Meeting 2016
The AGM (Annual General Meeting) of the PTA (Parents Teachers Association) of Convent of Jesus and Mary was held on 23rd April , 2016,in Claudine Hall . When the solemn event began the blessings of the Almighty were invoked with a melodious bhajan and hymn. The theme was Smart Parenting. A colourful dance depicting the theme drew resounding applause. Ms. Bharti Singh, Honorary General Secretary read out the Annual Report of the activities of the PTA and Ms. Seema Chabbra , Treasurer tabled the accounts which were promptly passed and seconded. Sanjeev Datta, a noted personality coach was the guest speaker. He offered fresh and practical insights into effective parenting. CJM School principal Sister Janet in the capacity of PTA president addressed the audience on the ethos of the school and the achievements of the past year. Three senior teachers who were jubilarians were felicitated. Three retiree teachers, were feted and given tokens of appreciation by the PTA. The names of the PTA Executive Committee members were announced. The programme concluded with a vote of thanks, the singing of the national anthem and refreshments.