Album Title : Anveshan - Science and Maths Day By Classes: 1, 3 and 5

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Description: Anveshan - Science and Math day 14 th August 2021 Maths day was observed by classes 1, 3 and 5 as a part of Anveshan on 14 th August 2021 Students of class 1 did two activities - Fun with shapes and Palm painting. Children made beautiful figures using cut outs of different shapes and had fun drawing different lines on their palm with poster colours. Students of class 3 were introduced to line art , they enjoyed the activity and saw the lines from a different perspective . They sketched different patterns and made colourful Warli paintings . Keeping the theme " MAGICAL LINES " in mind, teachers guided the students to explore various art forms like Warli and Madhubani .In both art forms, lines and other geometrical shapes are used to make beautiful figures and scenery . Students of classes 3 and 5 had fun making their own drawings of Warli and in the process learnt the two traditional folk art forms of India. Creating art with different shapes and lines, students enjoyed these activities.
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