Album Title : Annual Prize Day 2014

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Description: The Prize Day was held in the Thevenet Hall. Students of classes X and XII, (for academic session 2013-2014) were felicitated for distinguishing themselves in the Board Exams. Prizes/ scholarships were also awarded to the class XI students. In her address Sr. Janet announced that the results last year were the “highest ever”. She thanked the parents, staff and students for their dedication. She also used the occasion to inform the parents that the St. Claudine block was ready, the new library was in the process of being completed, the hall was now energised by solar panels and that the school had adopted rain water harvesting. She concluded her speech by exhorting the students to be a shining light to the nation. Rai Sengupta of XII-B won the coveted Mother De Sales Cup for being the Best All Rounder.
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