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To commemorate the UN International Year of Fruits and Vegetables, our enthusiastic little ones of
Class 2 decided to have our ‘Anveshan’ activity based on ‘Seeds’. To see a greener world, the value
of the tiny seed cannot be overemphasized!! Children pasted pictures of Fruits and Vegetables with
Seeds, that they see in their day-to-day life. Thereafter, they sorted the seeds of these various fruits
and vegetables, and pasted them alongside its picture. Every chart looked beautiful with different
hues and backgrounds. It was indeed an enriching experience for our little ones, wherein they had a
real feel of these fruits and vegetables, taking out the seeds from them, sorting them and pasting
them on the chart, and writing about its basic characteristics. They all enjoyed the activity and also
understood how these beautiful little ‘Pearls’ would adorn a healthier and greener world for us!!
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